Build, deploy, and manage Rails apps

Ruby on Rails apps on your own hosting provider
in minutes and without hassle.

Deploy Your First App

Rest easy.

We'll take care of everything for you.

Deploy your app in minutes

1. Create a cluster

Choose how many servers you want and what you want each server to do.

2. Choose your repository

Connect your Git hosting and choose a repository to deploy .

3. Deploy and customize

Once deployed, you can enable backups, domains, SSL, and more with just a click.

Leave the learning and service management up to us

We'll keep things up-to-date for you.

Ruby on Rails

We'll install Ruby, Nginx, Passenger, Puma, Postgres, MySQL and more for you in just a few minutes. No more fiddling with setting up the right tools for production.


Send and receive realtime messages to users with built-in support for ActionCable running on your local Redis server. No need to configure a thing.

Automatic Databases

Each app you deploy automatically provisions a new database user, password, and database so you can immediately deploy without any fiddling.

Customizable Nginx

We make it easy to tweak your NGINX configs so you can add redirects, tweak file upload sizes, and much more without having to SSH into your server.

Redis Support

Every server comes with Redis enabled by default and each app you deploy gets assigned a unique Redis database so they won't overlap. Easy peasy.


You can't build an app these days without background jobs. You can enable Sidekiq for each app on your server and have background jobs running in seconds.

SSL & Lets Encrypt

You can upload custom SSL certs you purchased or use Let's Encrypt to generate ones for you. We handle modifying your Nginx config for SSL support automatically.

Environment Variables

Hate dealing with environment variables on your server? We've got you. Just edit them in our web interface and we'll update your server and restart your app to make them take effect.

Secure By Default

Every server we configure for you includes SSH and firewall security out of the box. You even get automatic security updates installed regularly for you.

Choose the hosting provider you want.

Here are a handful of the fantastic server providers that we support.

Flat, fixed pricing

We like to keep it as simple as possible, even when it comes to pricing.

Starting at $29 per month

Deploy as many apps as you want!

Flat, fixed pricing

No per-project fees

5 day free trial

Deploy your first app

For our genome analysis pipelines, we need to be able to quickly setup and deploy servers in data centres across the world. Traditionally this involves fiddling with obscure config files, daemons and database setups. Not anymore: thanks to HatchBox, we can now confidently deploy our apps with a few clicks while still retaining full control.